The Mastermind is Dead


Google Public Domain Image

Yesterday, I was watching “Morning Joe” as I drank my coffee.  The big news was the DNA tests showing that Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the Is** terrorist mastermind had been killed in the attack in the Parisian  suburb. This is the terrorist, though  known to the west, who had been moving freely between Syria, Brussels, the country of his birth, and Paris.  It is thought that he was the planner and leader  of the attacks in  the city of light.  Those attacks that have changed all our lives and  happened only one week ago today.

This man was only 27 years old but he was sophisticated, self-disciplined, bright, a psychopathic killer , and filled with hatred as he dreamed and planned to see Sharia  law. I was curious about his education to continue my thought yesterday about the terrorists education and aptitude.  He studied in one of the most prestigious secondary schools in Belgium.  There was no information about university. I did learn that when he left his family to go and join the terrorist group, he took his 13 year old brother to train as a warier as well. It was reported that when news of his death reached his family, that they cheered loudly.


This is  Abbaaoud’s cousin (Google Public Domain) who was in the apartment in Paris and detonated her body bombs.  The news about her is that she was a very modern woman who was not interested in religion. She never wore the veil until just a month ago.

This substantiates what a FB friend from Egypt has told me.  FB (his initials) says that  these terrorists  are not true Muslims  and that Allah does not condone this killing.  It is all very confusing  but I did think that is possible.  In the west,  there are many different sects of Christianity. I am thinking of the Westboro Baptist Church which demonstrates at funerals of people that don’t follow their beliefs of Christianity.  Of course they spread their hate with words  but have not terrorized with killing as Iss* has done.

This morning, there is more terrible news that hostages have been taken in Maui by terrorists who released some who could recite verses from the Koran. It goes on. . . . .

One final thought is that Christ said in Matthew 26:52, “. . . For all who draw the sword(live by the sword) will die by the sword.”  I know that there are different interpretations of this verse, but the literal reading of these words seems appropriate in this situation.

One of the speakers on Morning Joe, an administration police leader from New York City says, “Be aware  but don’t be afraid!”

Pray for wisdom.

About annetbell

I am a retired elementary teacher, well seasoned world traveler,new blogger, grandmother, and a new enthusiastic discoverer of the wonderfully complex country of India. Anne
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4 Responses to The Mastermind is Dead

  1. Omg. I always wonder how they detonate themselves. How they feel & think!?!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. annetbell says:

    Interesting thought.


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