333 Slaves Rescued in Second Largest Operation in IJM History


International Justice Mission is doing such wonderful work all over the world, but of late  they have been especially successful in India.  The new government has been very open  inviting IJM  to  join Indian  attorneys, social workers, and the police.   The slave owners are being  prosecuted to the fullest extinct of the law. The atmosphere of no punishment for these despicable unspeakable atrocities is over.  The rule of impunity is being stopped in its tracks.  These slave owners , all over the world,  are being caught, tried, and jailed. Justice is prevailing!


I hope you will take a little time to look at these images, see  the faces, hear the stories and learn of this amazing work IJM is doing.  When I am at home in New York, I am in a prayer group on Tuesdays to pray for this work. There are Christians, and non  Christians as well as larger International  businesses who  are supporting the work to eradicate slavery during  our  lifetime!


333 Slaves Rescued in Second Largest Operation in IJM History.

images (18)


I would love to hear your comments.  Are you surprised at the amount of slavery in  the world today? 

About annetbell

I am a retired elementary teacher, well seasoned world traveler,new blogger, grandmother, and a new enthusiastic discoverer of the wonderfully complex country of India. Anne
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3 Responses to 333 Slaves Rescued in Second Largest Operation in IJM History

  1. iku2e says:

    Very good initiative but I would say it’s just the beginning and there is lot more to be done. These so called owners or contractors should be punished to the fullest and people need an another revolution in India, and all over the world. I am just worried about one thing, the main thing is the poverty to create such slavery on the world, one part of the world enjoy the abundance of wealth, food, luxury and the other side of the world ( India, African countries, and few Asian countries) are worst of the worst in terms of the livelihood.

    Should i call it as fate? or the atrocity of the power of the so called developed world?..I feel there is something missing, which we can call as ‘humanity’ in all.! ( this is just my opinion, not to take the side of anyone)


    • annetbell says:

      That is true, as I see it. The corruption of power and money leads to selfish control and impunity. It is my understanding that these contractors promise money to these desperately poor people, take them away or their children away, hardly pay them , and enslave them. And there is the horrible slave sex trafficking that is world wide, too.

      You are right , if each of us thought of the other as a human being, how could these things happen? Sadly, it seems that there are lots of people out in this world who have hearts as black as “dirty rags” who do these things. Trial and punishment to the fullest extinct of the law is essential . I think that India has instituted the death penalty for twice convicted rapists. Is that right?

      Liked by 1 person

      • iku2e says:

        Yes, I think they hanged too.But still there
        hundreds of cases pending for years and I believe that, they should punished to the fullest.

        Simple law and order won’t get unless, the root cause of the problem is solved. Law and judgements will come after the crime been done, but we should start with the root cause of the problem and make the people stand for their rights.


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