Quintet of Radiance:Five Ennobling Awards

“Quintet of Radiance”: Five Ennobling Awards

Posted July 30, 2013

Thank you Prasad  for nominating my blog for this award.  I am really happy to be a part of your world through this virtual space. Thanks for your encouragement and support.

Please visit his space for some awesome soul enriching thoughts at hisinception.wordpress.com Prasad  is another of the Indians who have their left brain (engineering degree) and right brain (writing and creativity) both working so well for all of us to learn from and enjoy! (There I go making sweeping generalizations again!  But it is true.)

The objective of the quintet being is to serve as  a constant reminder for our thoughts to remain Versatile to brighten up the dark pathways of the mind with Sunshine, respect our Inner Peace, bring about changes by being positively Influential, and make this pale blue planet an Awesome place to abide in.


I am declaring this award to have no rules except to  nominate 10 other bloggers as recipient of the award. It is an encouragement to be singled out  for praise and reason  to keep going with the blog. I think reading blogs and commenting with our blogger friends is a pretty good window into their personality.   The rules sent to me were to include an adjective for each letter of the English alphabet that describes the nominee. If any of you wish to do that, it is fine, but I have decided not to do it.  It is more work and I don’t want to discourage my nominees from nominating others because of time restraints.  The last award I had was to notify the nominees only and not publicly list them. I have been struggling with these two approaches. Yes, listing the awards publicly may discourage a blogger who has not received an award, but on the other hand, it can give him/her a opportunity to visit other bloggers to see why they have been chosen. After all , imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  And the positive side of competition is learning from the person you are competing with and striving to be better yourself.  We all desire to be the best bloggers possible or why would we spend hours each day trying?  OK, enough said. I am listing the bloggers I have chosen. The rules stated  to nominate 10 bloggers…and I am doing more. I think I am getting to be a rebel not following the guidelines. . . . )

My nominations:

1-http:// adeenat.wordpress.com

2- http://manitoner.wordpress.com 

3- http://mohanas4930.wordpress.com 

4- http://smithiesshutter.wordpress.com 

5- http://meticulousmick.wordpress.com

6- http://chindia-alert.org 

7- http://belsbror.wordpress.com 

8- http://simplyvegetarian777.wordpress.com 

9- http://chrisnavin.com

10- http://travel-monkey.me




Thank you to each and every reader for your encouraging words and appreciation!!

Namaste. . . .. Anne

About annetbell

I am a retired elementary teacher, well seasoned world traveler,new blogger, grandmother, and a new enthusiastic discoverer of the wonderfully complex country of India. Anne
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15 Responses to Quintet of Radiance:Five Ennobling Awards

  1. CONGRATULATIONS to YOU! And thank you for the nomination 🙂


  2. chr1 says:

    Thank you very much, Anne.


  3. Aww.. Congratulations! You totally deserve it… Your story telling brings the written piece to life.. It’s amazing and spell binding:).

    Thank you so much Anne. I am speechless:). It’s an honor to be nominated by someone like you. You are inspirational, genuine and right there on the mark.

    Sonal @ simplyvegetarian777


    • annetbell says:

      Oh you are so gracious and genuine. Thank you my friend and you are an inspiration to me as well. We can have our own fan club, wanna? 😎
      Anne. . . .oops….namaste


  4. Congrats dear….. So many award at a time, am guessing it’s cos you’ve always find a way to keep us all coming back for more in your wonderful blog.


  5. belsbror says:

    Thank you for nominating me. I am honored. 🙂
    I understand your explanation to forego with the rules. I will follow as you wish. 🙂


  6. Pingback: Quintet-of-Radiance 5 Ennobling Awards | simplyvegetarian777

  7. cindy knoke says:

    Congratulations & SO well deserved! I love your fascinating blog & life!!


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