Surprise Rock Band at Macy’s Day Parade!

Kiss is not thankful for being in the Macy’s Day Parade on Thanksgiving!   I am wondering whose idea it was to include Kiss in the first place? 🙂 

Kiss star Paul Stanley says his band was “screwed over and misled” by the executive in charge of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and that both the group and their fans deserved better from the event.

Stanley doesn’t go into any detail about his complaints, but a look at the video above sure makes it seem like a rough gig for everyone involved. As the band gamely mimes along to ‘Rock and Roll All Nite’ on an extremely cold and rainy day, the camera frequently seems to be in an odd place.

For example, during the opening verse of the song, a giant balloon featuring Jake the Dog and Finn the Human from the show ‘Adventure Time’ was front and center on television screens across America instead of the group. There wasn’t a close-up shot of Kiss until the first chorus, and for some reason the camera stayed locked on bassist Gene Simmons during Tommy Thayer’s guitar solo.

But who knows, maybe the coat Stanley was wearing gave him a nasty flashback to the days of ‘Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park.‘ If he was somehow expecting this to be the one parade in the history of the universe that was fun and exciting — as opposed to a never-ending series of rushed and often poorly presented attractions — we could have told him beforehand that wasn’t going to happen.

Simmons seemed to have had a bit more fun, telling the New York Post he was “proud to be a part of” the parade, and saying that he intentionally kept his famously long tongue in his mouth as much as possible in order to keep things family friendly: “My tongue is God-given. As regards the parade, my intention was to be tongue in cheek. Mostly, I kept it in my cheek.”


Any Kiss fans out there?  


About annetbell

I am a retired elementary teacher, well seasoned world traveler,new blogger, grandmother, and a new enthusiastic discoverer of the wonderfully complex country of India. Anne
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7 Responses to Surprise Rock Band at Macy’s Day Parade!

  1. says:

    I hate kiss. Scared me as a kid. Nobody in that crowd seemed to be interested. So how long does this US Thanksgiving last? A week? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. prior says:

    how fun – and that band has had some staying power!!!


  3. Jewels says:

    How odd to have KISS perform at the parade…
    I thought from the video it looked like everyone was having fun, even if the camera person was a bit off in what was being focused on. It was probably more exciting in person, the announcer seemed to think it was a hit. 😀


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