Incredible India

varanasiVeranasi, the holiest city in India as well in the top 10 oldest continually inhabited cities in the world.  And my favorite place in India.

“India leaves her mark on her guests in a most haunting compelling and often surprising way. I suspect that even now you are trying to figure out how to get back there!” (A comment response to me from Ninagrandiose’s Blog soon after I returned home after four months in India.

Bingo, Nina!        From my “About” page in response to my feelings about my first trip to India.

I am so thrilled to be back in India, and to  be here with these amazing people.  To describe how India casts a spell on her visitors has been hard to articulate, though  much easier and clearer by experience.   Just this last week, speaking with a blogger friend Shaun Gibson,about  his response to my postings ( he has not visited India)  as well my own feelings about India   have gelled to make a clearer word picture of  my  feelings on India.  Today, I thought I would share these with you, my blogger friends.

I am truly blessed to be here in this ancient land beside these gentle and kind people, walking for another little time along side and among them.  The majority of the Indian people we see, meet, and mingle with are happy just for life and breath ,not because of what they have.  They have little next to nothing of material goods and yet they smile and are happy. They take great pleasure in the simple things of life, celebrating at festivals, dancing for every imaginable chance, and flying kites.  It is the only country on the face of the earth where there are so many religions practiced  while coexisting more or less peaceably and  the only country where almost 100% of the population practices a faith system. This they do by choice and tradition and I believe their  peaceful and calm spirit  in  the midst of the chaos that is India, is because of  their faith.

Indians are not happy because of what they have, own,have power over, or possess. . . .

We in the West could learn much from  a visit to India . . . . .


About annetbell

I am a retired elementary teacher, well seasoned world traveler,new blogger, grandmother, and a new enthusiastic discoverer of the wonderfully complex country of India. Anne
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23 Responses to Incredible India

  1. Beautiful photo! Looks and sounds like a wonderful trip for you!😄


  2. OyiaBrown says:

    Reblogged this on Oyia Brown.


  3. Dalo 2013 says:

    “How India casts a spell on her visitors…” that is a great statement, a warm feeling you give us with this description ~ enjoy 🙂


  4. Stunning photo!!!! I hope you’re having a great time, happy new year xx


  5. reocochran says:

    The color and vibrancy captures my imagination! I am off with a grandson to pick out a library movie and order a pizza. I hope to stay better connected in the new year! Wishing you a happy one, my friend!


  6. Kunmi says:

    ohhhh….i miss this place so much.
    i went to the Golden Temple here in Japan and its beautiful and all, but to be honest i didnt find it as striking as the Golden Temple we visited in Amritsar. I miss India!


  7. ninagrandiose says:

    I see that you did, indeed, make it back! Thank you for quoting me. Enjoy every minute as I am.


  8. ebutla4 says:

    Reblogged this on Erin Butler. and commented:
    Love this explanation, as always!


  9. iku2e says:

    Very interesting post, Anne, I was thinking you are an Indian, but wow, though an American you are surprised with our culture. We welcome you whole heartedly. thanks for your early likes and reblog,

    I have an amazing blogging friend from France, Melanie, she gives me good comments and review on my blog and her support keeps me moving.
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    she has amazing posts!
    I will keep visiting you everyday!


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