How Well Do You Know India ? Take A Quiz And Find Out

locator-map-Ahmedabad (1)

This quiz about India was in the Christian Science Monitor newspaper and I had to take it. My score was an 86% with the average score being  71%.  I know you are surprised that I didn’t get 100%, right?  Try it and let me know how you do!  You will have to copy,paste, and click on the following link!

Namaste. . . . . .This Is Incredible India!

About annetbell

I am a retired elementary teacher, well seasoned world traveler,new blogger, grandmother, and a new enthusiastic discoverer of the wonderfully complex country of India. Anne
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19 Responses to How Well Do You Know India ? Take A Quiz And Find Out

  1. Harsha says:

    I am taking the Quiz right now.. 🙂


  2. chr1 says:


    I need to take a trip!


  3. Anjali says:

    I got 90%.. I got 2 wrong..

    Question : Who did Indian authorities ultimately allege was responsible for a deadly 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai that claimed 166 lives?
    My ans: A previously unknown group known as the “Deccan Mujahideen”

    Cor ans: Lashkar-e-Taiba radicals with the support of Pakistani government authorities

    Question:England brought cricket to India. When was the first time an Indian cricket team defeated England in a test series in England?
    My ans: 1961
    Cor ans:1971


  4. skytash says:

    86% – three wrong. Considering I was in a hotel Mumbai during the terror attack in 2008, I ought to know who it was who caused such mayhem. I also didn’t know where Buddha reached enlightenment or what Mahatma means. You learn something new every day!


  5. Very interesting! I got 2 wrong, cricket and the currency 🙂


  6. Reblogged this on Avial Blog and commented:
    I got 90% with 2 answers wrong . Here is my score and if you take the quiz… I am curious to know your score


  7. Bharadwaj says:

    I missed 4. One answer with over confidence and one knowingly opting for alternate choice. 2 others were little tricky.


  8. Pingback: A heart filled with gratitude….. | Strawberry Lentils

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